So last Tuesday I was browsing Craigslist. I didn't really have a good reason to be looking. I didn't have spending money worked into our budget, but I've been wanting to replace our computer desk with something nicer and prettier, so I was checking to get an idea of what I could hope to get out of my desk and see if there was anything I liked listed. There was nothing under furniture, or general so I headed over to household. And I Someone had their 15 gallon set up complete with stand, filter, bubbler, decor and 12 fish listed for $50! I pulled up my bank account and started running numbers to see if I could pull it off. I had an extra $30 stuck in savings and a $20 in my purse that I had not been figuring into our account budget. So I texted the lady. She wrote back saying that I was the 3rd person to contact her and that if I was willing to give her $60 for it I could have it. I told her I couldn't do more than $50 and that I was hoping to surprise my hubby with it. A few seconds later she called me and told me I could have it. Yay!
So I made plans and arranged for it to be picked up. I had no vehicle and no way to get it so my sister-in-law was sweet enough to pick it up for me that evening and then run it across town to me Wednesday morning while Jase at work. I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the tank, treating the water, setting up the decor and adding the fish. I never really wanted fish. I mean, they're cool, but I've always been more of a lizard or dog person. But Jase has been wanting fish FOREVER. 3 of the fish didn't make the trip. I don't know what they were but here's what I had left: Two swordtails, one female (that is prego) and one male, two rosy striped tetras, 3 black tetras, 1 neon tetra, and one tiger barb. The next day, while I was out shopping with Mom Burks, I stopped by Petsmart and bought two tiger barbs and a pleco. That evening we went to Wally and came home with 2 more neon tetras and a spotted green puffer. He's mine. I hand picked him and he's my favorite. I never thought a fish could be cute, but he IS. I researched puffers and read that they are quite interactive and expressive. He's taking a bit to warm up but he's getting better. Supposedly he can eventually be adjusted enough that he'll eat from my hand. For the moment he still runs to the other side of the tank whenever I kneel down to look at him, but he's getting friendlier. I'm gonna have to get him some aquarium salt as he's a brackish water fish and he needs some fiddler crabs and small snails on occasion to keep his beak worn down and to keep him happy. Puffers are carnivorous by nature but he'll eat flakes and shrimp pellets. I bought freeze dried bloodworms and I noticed today for the first time that he had eaten. He was starting to worry me because he wouldn't eat with the rest of the fish, but today his tummy was lumpy and swollen and he looked much happier. Saturday night one of the new tiger barbs started listing pretty badly. We weren't sur what was wrong with him so he seperated him into a bowl and he was dead by the next morning. Fortunately Petsmart has a two week return policy on defective fish. Lol. So on Sunday the poor little guy got replace. So far everyone else seems to be doing ok. Mr. Puffer will NOT stay still long enough to get a nice clear pic. I'll try to get a video of him up soon.
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